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Table of Contents
SSISData Flow Task to Copy Tables from one SQL Instance to MySQL workbench
OLE DB ConnectionManager in SSIS
ADO.NETConnection Manager in SSIS
Error handled
Many Companies has been using a Microsoft SQL Server database for several years
to manage their customer data. However, due to cost considerations and a shift
in technology strategy, they have decided to migrate their data to MySQL, an
open-source relational database management system. To perform this migration,
they will use SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), a popular ETL (Extract,
Transform, Load) tool.Objective:Migrate customer data from MSSQL to MySQL while ensuring data integrity,
maintaining relationships, and minimizing downtime.Prerequisites:
1.Microsoft SQL server
2.SQL Server Integration service in Microsoftvisual studio
3.Mysql Workbench 8.0.34
SSIS Data Flow Task to Copy Tables from one SQLInstance to MySQL workbench
The Data Flow task encapsulates the data flow engine thatmoves data between sources and destinations, and transform, clean, and modify
data as it is moved. Addition of a Data Flow task to a package control flow
makes it possible for the package to extract, transform, and load data.A data flow consists of at least one data flow component,but it is typically a set of connected data flow components: sources that
extract data; transformations that modify, route, or summarize data; and
destinations that load data.At run time, the Data Flow task builds an execution planfrom the data flow, and the data flow engine executes the plan. You can create
a Data Flow task that has no data flow, but the task executes only if it
includes at least one data flow.SSIS Data Flow Task to Copy Tables from one SQLInstance to MySQL workbench
The Data Flow task encapsulates the data flow engine thatmoves data between sources and destinations, and transform, clean, and modifydata as it is moved. Addition of a Data Flow task to a package control flowmakes it possible for the package to extract, transform, and load data.
A data flow consists of at least one data flow component,but it is typically a set of connected data flow components: sources thatextract data; transformations that modify, route, or summarize data; anddestinations that load data.
At run time, the Data Flow task builds an execution planfrom the data flow, and the data flow engine executes the plan. You can createa Data Flow task that has no data flow, but the task executes only if itincludes at least one data flow.
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